Sujok Therapy
Sujok is nature’s gift to humanity. Similarity (Homo) is the basic principle of this science.
As Dr. Donald Fredrickson (Ex. Director of National Institute of Health, U.S.A.)

Frequently Treated Health Dimensions/Disorders With Sujok.
Following is a brief list of common health dimensions/disorders frequently treated with Sujok Acupuncture therapy.

Anger, Fear, Worries are normally accepted as integral and unavoidable part of normal life until they are severe enough to disrupt our lives causing intolerable anxiety, depression, hypertension and other strains.
The SU JOK ACUPUNCTURE offer exact and effective treatment through the use of what is termed as, “The Ten Emotional Constitution. The Ten Reason Constitution.”
World over, in last one decade highly recognised and revolutionary physicians and surgeons have shifted their healing practice to the ‘Holistic healing system’. This has been possible due to their knowing and understanding that it is the only real remedy for ever in vreasing suffering of the making. We invite you too, to be one amongst such revolutioners in service to humanity.
How Does Sujok Work?
How exactly does Su Jok function on the physical level? Su Jok is a general term describing a new system of treatment, comprising a variety of methods of stimulating only the hands and feet using the fingers, a rounded object, seeds or where advanced
The principle behind Sujok is that there is a continuous flow of energy in all of us. This energy flows in a very systematic and uniformed manner. “Sujok’s aim is to balance the of imbalanced energy in the body….the tissues, the cells and the organs.” Advanced Sujok uses needles to balance the energy and it is called Six Ki treatment which harmonises energy on the physical, emotional and even the Chakra plane.
Sujok therapy is two dimensional. “It works on the physical dimension and the other on the metaphysical dimension. The best part of Sujok is that, unlike other acupressure and acupuncture therapies, where one requires to learn the corresponding nerve points and then practice under professional guidance. In Sujok therapy all the nerve points of the body are located specifically on the hands and feet. The most important point to be kept in mind is that all these points are located on both hands and feet so that the entire treatment can be done by locating the points on just one hand or foot.
“Simplicity of treatment which is the best part of Sujok,”
One also does not need to learn where each point is located. Once you understand the basic corresponding points to the body. A highly effective and preventive method of healing. It has no side effects. Sujok is useful on both the physical and emotional level. You can take responsibility of your health, anytime and place.
After a particular time of working at one’s own skills, it takes a few seconds to identify the problematic point. In fact having tried a number of experiments, I have seen that Sujok therapy is accurate and effective. And if a health problem is of recent origin, say a stomach ache, pain due to a recent accident, sprain etc.
Sujok gives virtually instant relief. Where Spinal chord and other chronic problems are concerned, Sujok, if done religiously, certainly gives relief. It seems very likely too that if both basic Sujok and the advanced version i.e. acupressure and acupuncture are combined miracles take place.
Sujok can be done along with anyother system of therapy. No contraindication. No side effects.

The inventor of Sujok is Professor Park Jae Woo, an eminent scholar of Oriental medicine has combined his ideas obtained from a long period of clinical practice and scientific knowledge. He is the innovator who has discovered and systematized the independent curing systems of miniature body correspondence in the hands and feet.
As mentioned, the remarkable feature of Su Jok is astonishing simplicity. The only thing is that the corresponding nerve points as per Su Jok and the actual affected area should match on each and every occasion. After a little practice your fingers move automatically to the corresponding point and bingo, you can start applying the pressure.
After a particular time of working at one’s own skills, it takes a few seconds to identify the problematic point. In fact having tried a number of experiments, I have seen that Sujok therapy is accurate and effective. And if a health problem is of recent origin, say a stomach ache, pain due to a recent accident, sprain etc.
Sujok gives virtually instant relief. Where spinal chord and other chronic problems are concerned, Sujok, if done religiously, certainly gives relief. It seems very likely too that if both basic Sujok and the advanced version i.e. acupressure and acupuncture are combined miracles take place.
Front body: Palm
Back Body: Back of the hand
As mentioned, the remarkable feature of Sujok is astonishing simplicity. The only thing is that the corresponding nerve points as per Sujok and the actual affected area should match on each and every occasion. After a little practice your fingers move automatically to the corresponding point and you can start applying the pressure.
After a particular time of working at one’s own skills, it takes a few seconds to identify the problematic point. In fact having tried a number of experiments, Sujok therapy is accurate and effective. And if a health problem is of recent origin, say a stomach ache, pain due to a recent accident, sprain etc. Sujok gives virtually instant relief. Where spinal chord and other chronic problems are concerned, Sujok, if done religiously, certainly gives relief. It seems very likely too that if both basic Sujok and A therapy discovered by South Korean professor, Park Jae Woo. When compared to other holistic methods of healing Sujik is simple and uncomplicated. Sri Yogananda’s says “God is simple… Everything else is complex.” In fact it is this simplicity that has endeared Sujok to holistic practitioners and pupils all over the globe.
Sujok is considered as an advancement in the arena of acupuncture, this South Korean holistic therapy at its most basic involves acupressure. In fact so effective is Sujok as an acupressure therapy that often the need for needles does not arise, as the health problem is taken care of by sirnply applying pressure to the corresponding points on either of the hands or the feet.
The word SU in Korean means the hand and JOK means the feet. Thus the name itself speaks all about the therapy. Anybody who applies himself to learning the basics of Sujok therapy would do so within a matter of minutes. That is the beauty of this therapy.
Prof. Park Jae Woo (An eminent Korean philosopher and scientist)
SUJOK ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY by Prof. Park Jae Woo of Korea in last quarter of 20th century is proving to be a boon in the hands of modern as well as traditional health practitioners’ world wide in this direction.
Invented in last quarter of 20th Century by Prof. Park Jae Woo an eminent Korean philosopher and scientist Sujok Therapy is a new approach to treatment. Sujoks Therapy, a part of ONNURI MEDICINE is a system of treatment comprising of a variety of techniques to prevent and cure illness and restore health without any drugs. The theoretical basis of this system of Healing is the discovery of self regulation Homo Energy System of Human Body whereby each Hand and foot and other locations of Human body carries information of each parts (organ) of human body. The Hands and Feet structurally being the most similar body parts to the Human Body, these corresponding micro points/areas can therefore be used most conveniently and effectively as remote controls to treat any diseased organ/part in the human body.
In Korean language SU means hand, and JOK means foot. The theoretical basis of this system of healing is the discovery in each hand and foot, shape and points corresponding to each part (organ) of human body. These corresponding micro points (systems) in hands and feet can therefore be used conveniently and effectively as remote controls to treat any diseased organ/part in human body.
SUJOK ACUPUNCTURE is a multi-dimensional healing system. The first dimension is a physical healing system, whereby giving simple stimulation to the specific corresponding points in hands and feet, cure is achieved. It is possible as hand as a miniature correspondence treatment system is the most symmetric part of the human body in structural shapes among entire corresponding systems. On the other hand, the most potent and effective miniature body correspondence system is found in the foot.
This type of therapy is very popular due to its ease to learn, safety, efficacy and pace of healing response is often dramatically fast. It contain no forbidden or dangerous practices. Therefore, it can be practiced by paramedics and laymen for self and others treatment.
The second dimension treatment is adapted from classical acupuncture. The classical 12 main meridians, the 8 extra meridians, and their attendant points are represented on the hands and feet, in Byol meridians and Byol points.This form of treatment applies the theories and experiences of classical acupuncture like five element theory, Yin Yang Principle, Six ki principle etc. in combination with the new theories of SUJOK ACUPUNCTURE such as Ten Celestial Stem Constitutions, Six Ki Constitutions, Ten Emotional Constitutions, Ten Reason Constitutions etc.
These two dimensions, when independently practiced are though effective in treating variety of illnesses, however, the combination of two, in accordance with the situation will produce most rapid results.
Apart from the above two, various other dimensions of SUJOK have been developed by Prof. Park Jae Woo. These include Homo-Hetero principle, Eight origin theory, Diamond structure, Chakra system, Onnuri auricular therapy, Space energy diagnostics, Multi level constitution and…………
SUJOK ACUPUNCTURE is a complete system of healing, with a range of applications just as wide as the combination of western and oriental medicines. A doctor/alternative medicine practitioner who combines western scientific medicine/oriental medicines with SUJOK ACUPUNCTURE can therefore select the most appropriate treatment in any particular case. He will then be able to treat a wide variety of illnesses of any part/system of body, including psychological conditions in best possible way.

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